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Content by Skin Condition Experts

Searching the internet for answers to your skin condition questions can be challenging. How do you know that what you’re reading has been reviewed by professionals? What do you do when the information you find is complex and difficult to understand? Aysa helps you overcome these obstacles with a user-friendly approach to checking symptoms and a strong clinical foundation in the area of skin conditions.

A knowledge base you can trust

Aysa is built on the resources of VisualDx, an award-winning clinical decision support system designed for healthcare workers to enhance diagnostic accuracy, aid therapeutic decisions, and improve patient safety. These resources include a collection of thousands of medical images and a patented knowledge base of hundreds of skin conditions. 

Built for everyday use

While clinicians trust VisualDx to provide guidance during office visits, Aysa is designed for your use as a symptom checker for skin conditions at anytime. It doesn’t use Latin terms for skin diseases or include complicated treatment steps. Instead, Aysa delivers a streamlined workflow to guide you while it systematically develops an understanding of you and your family’s skin issues. For each case of a rash or other skin condition, it provides personalized guidance and helpful information to aid in your discussion with your healthcare provider.

Personalized with diverse skin types

Skin conditions can look different from person to person. Aysa is diverse, too. Its curated library of more than 120,000 medical images includes every skin color and type, and what each of 200 skin conditions can look like at every stage. That makes it your personalized skin rash app and symptom checker.